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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Captian's Log #3 Stardate 6741

X posted on facebook

This'll probably be the only time I post on facebook, from here on out I'll post at kpdeutsch.blogspot.com (I'm just to to lazy to open it up on this computer). As most know I do not as of yet have internet on my laptop, I've been having to go to the library( (die Bibliothek, to be cool).

At a week and a half into my adventure in Germany, I started to feel a little settled in, which is wonderful. Flying in wasn't too bad, but I did give up my window seat so that two elderly Germans could sit next to each other. Unfortunately for me the price of chivalry was only a total of about 2,3 of sleep. Needless to say I arrived in Germany rather tired, and certainly disorientated. But I got onto the train a-okay, and made the transfer at Mannheim with ease (thanks to a nice middle aged German lady who I never caught the name of). HOWEVER... I misunderstood the train announcement and ended up exiting in Oppenheim, and not Freiburg. It turned out for the best, despite feeling foolish, as I was then able to meet a group from Michigan. Turns out they're all with the same program as mine.
I get into Freiburg, have a mini-orientation, and then discover I have to take a streetcar to my dorm. O_o. 'sokay though, 'cause I had a new Michigan buddy to go with me. I get to my dorm, love it (bigger than the rooms in Adams, and with a sink!), and promptly take a shower. Then sleep. Then orientation, then more sleep.
Day One was done.
The rest of the week's morning and afternoons were spent doing paperwork and getting a feel for the city, and also picking up the items I purchased off the flohmarkt (although I still can't find my hair dryer >:( ). The nights though. The bars and clubs here are fantastic. There's just so much character to them, and Germans know how to dance (although I still need to actually dance with them, and not just with the Americans I know).
Wednesday night was probably the best night. Its 50 cent shot night in the bar in my living. . .complex...and I pretty much danced for 2 hours straight. No swing dancing yet though, I still need to figure out more about that...
On Sunday I went to Basil, Switzerland for free, and just kind of bummed around the city, went to a festival on the Rhein, and an art museum for free. When I get internet I'll definitely post some pictures, 'twas a beautiful place.
This week class started, and its from 2-5 each day, with a 15 minute break at 3:30. Not a bad schedule at all.

So thus far there are two big difference I've noticed in the culture. One is the graffiti, and how its friggin' everywhere. And its not offensive at all, mostly just "How's life? Its good." or '"Smoke Weed" or "Life is wonderful."
The second is paying for food. You usually don't tip, and when you do you say how much you're paying, not how much you want back. So, if something cost 4.20, and you gave a 5, but want to tip 20 cents, you'd say "4.40" not ".60 back." Maybe thats how you're suppose to do it in America too, but I've had some problems ^_^.
Oh, and there is one more thing. There aren't any screens on ANY windows, including my room, so I've been on the warpath constantly with the fight against bugs.

If you finished reading this, well done. I should update about once a week, but at kpdeutsch.blogspot.com
Or I might get lazy and just post here. Either way, yay blogs?

(This weeks goal: Speak more German!)

11:50 AM
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Myself ;

    Kara (:
    7 Aug '88

Thank you

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